The Times reviews Steve Sem-Sandberg’s THE CHOSEN ONES
Another fantastic review for Steve Sem-Sandberg‘s The Chosen Ones. Last Saturday, The UK Times’ Fiona Wilson talked warmly about the book, saying that: The Chosen Ones is meticulously researched and laden with history but such is Sem-Sandberg’s skill that it does not feel this way: he jumps between his characters and weaves the historical details into their […]
ALL IN on Spanish bestseller chart!
All In, the first sizzling novel in Simona Ahrnstedt‘s contemporary series has soared up to the number one spot on Spanish bestseller charts. The book was released by Editora Plaza & Janés last Thursday.
Nordin Agency authors are dominating the German bestseller charts!
We are thrilled to announce that two of our Swedish bestsellers Viveca Sten and Simona Ahrnstedt are currently on German Börsenblatt’s bestseller chart. Although they write in very different genres these two talented women have captured the readers’ hearts with their amazing characters and chilling dramas.
A powerful, harrowing testament to the nameless victims of evil.
Between 1941 & 1945 the Am Spieglgrund clinic in Vienna, ostensibly a children’s home for the wayward and chronically ill, was actually a Nazi killing ground, advancing ideals of so-called racial purity through a brutal euthanasia programme. Prodigiously researched and told from the perspectives of a ten-year-old inmate and a nurse, this is a difficult, […]
GIRLS LOST is a smash hit at the film festivals
Girls Lost, the film based on Jessica Schiefauer‘s amazing novel The Boys, is a huge festival and awards success. The movie had its world premiere at the Toronto Film Festival, with other festivals including Rome FF, Chicago FF, Gothenburg FF, Rotterdam FF, Budapest FF, Antalya FF, Newfest/New York and more. The film was also recently nominated for the European […]
Spectacular review in The Guardian for Steve Sem-Sandberg’s THE CHOSEN ONES
Strong and beautiful words from Sebastian Barry in The Guardian today as he reviews Nordin Agency’s Prize winning author Steve Sem-Sandberg‘s latest novel The Chosen Ones. Barry writes that: You don’t so much read Sem-Sandberg as stand in the fiery wind of his prose. He makes his reader strangely complicit in his terrible subjects. He does not […]