By Marie Hermanson

Ett oskrivet blad (A Blank Page) is about Reine and Angela – two outsiders in society and with no great hopes for the future. But they are attracted to each other and slowly create a common existence. When Angela gives birth to a son, Reine feels as if he has won the lottery. But the happiness doesn’t last for long. The child suffers from a serious disease and when Reine tries to raise money for the expensive treatment he starts a dramatic chain of events that quickly spirals out of control. Also his relationship with Angela changes; who is the woman behind the mask and what past secrets has she been keeping from him? Marie Hermanson has written a story with an in-depth understanding of two exposed human beings at the same time as it is a thriller full of surprising twists.

First published by Albert Bonniers Förlag, Sweden, 2001
252 pages

Germany, Suhrkamp
The Netherlands, Prometheus
Italy, Guanda Longanesi
Russia, Centrpolygraph
Sweden, Bookmark
Sweden, Albert Bonniers Förlag
Sweden, Elib AB

Sweden, CO Film AB (option on film rights)
Sweden, SR (radio theatre rights)

