By Jonas Karlsson
Ingmar is a retired director and a widower since some time back. Disillusioned by life, he has only just found a new spark and joy of life by devoting his time to his late wife’s rose garden. But this summer the sun is relentless and the rain refuses to come. Ingmar’s roses are in desperate need of water. At the back of the house, hidden among the brushwood and weeds, he finally finds a rusty old hose. Turning the faucet, Ingmar discovers that the faucet has some unexpected qualities.
First published by Wahlström & Widstrand, Sweden 2019
Bulgaria, Colibri
France, Actes Sud
Hungary, Athenaeum Kiadó
Sweden, Wahlström & Widstrand
“Jonas Karlsson writes with a sure hand and gentle humor. His style is sometimes reminiscent of his British playwright colleague Alan Bennett, who also writes prose. /…/ Let It Rain is a perfect read for the hammock, or if the summer threatens to be washed away by rain.”
– Svenska Dagbladet, Sweden
“A gem signed Jonas Karlsson.”
– M-magasin, Sweden
“Jonas Karlsson is an excellent stylist with a perfect sense for cadence; restraint is alternated with comic release; the dialogues are incredibly perceptive. The reader believes every word he writes.”
– Borås Tidning, Sweden
“Jonas Karlsson’s sixth novel is well-written and light-hearted. /…/ The story takes me by storm. It unfolds like one of the sweet Eden-roses in [the book’s] garden, and is in all its glory a tender story about aging.”
– Tidningen Vi, Sweden
“A read-worthy and clever novel.”
– Dala-Demokraten, Sweden
“Karlsson is a great story-teller. He builds his scenes with the perfect amount of detail and he is damned skilled at portraying characters through lines and dialogue.”
– Aftonbladet, Sweden
“Let It Rain is an endearing and subtly humorous story about becoming an old man, but also about creating. About following one’s own voice.”
– Expressen, Sweden
“A lovely story about aging and finding ways to make things grow once more. ”
– Kommunalarbetaren, Sweden
“Let It Rain is an endearing and quiet story that takes place in the borderland between fantasy and reality. A warm and humorous chamber play about roses and rain. And – possibly – about finding peace at last.”
– Sundsvalls Tidning, Sweden
Sweden, Unlimited Stories