By Emelie Schepp

EARLY ONE MORNING in April a film of a young man spreads on Youtube. He has been beaten up and is wearing an explosive device attached to his body. The police know that a terrible fate awaits him. They are able to identify the location but only reach in time for the bomb to explode. This is the fourth member of the criminal network Komados to be murdered in a short period of time.

DETECTIVE MIA BOLANDER has assistance from the new investigator Patrik Wiking to solve the cases. The problem is that no one wants to speak to them. Nobody has heard or seen anything. When Jana Berzelius is dragged into the investigation she realises that the case has a direct connection to herself. As a prosecutor it has always been her job to find out the truth. This time she receives unexpected help to hide it.

DON’T SAY A WORD is a highly topical novel about violence and gang criminality, as well as the forces that can take over when there is something to protect at all costs.

Published by HarperCollins, 2020

Sweden, HarperCollins Nordic
Estonia, Eesti Ramat
Netherlands, De Fontein
Denmark, JP/Politikens Forlag
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France, HarperCollins France
Germany, Blanvalet
Iceland, MTH Publishing
Latvia, Latvijas Mediji
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Emelie Schepp is a skilled narrator. […] There are interesting fundamental questions about right and wrong, and who’s in power.
– Lotta Olsson, Dagens Nyheter, Sweden

My goodness, what an ending, what a cliffhanger! Now I’m longing for the next part and I hope it will be here soon! Haven’t you read this book or the series yet? Do it! Don’t Say a Word gets 5 out of 5 from me!
– Deckarbokhyllan, Sweden

An eventful, interesting and brutal crime novel with a high pace until the end! Warmly recommended!
– @brijreads, Sweden

I only say Emelie Schepp, she does it over and over again and I wasn’t disappointed this time either. Once again Emelie captures me from the first line.
– Bokprataren, Sweden

[A] balanced mix of action and societal focus where Emelie Schepp proves that she knows her craft back to front.
– Johannas deckarhörna, Sweden

Don’t Say a Word is thrilling and timely, filled with mystery, relations, violence and secrets. The resolution is intense and the cliffhanger in the end makes you want to read the next book about Jana Berzelius immediately.
– Olivias deckarhylla, Sweden

[T]he author constructs the plots and the suspense, and it’s impossible to put down the book after a while – a page-turner. I love to read and follow the story about Jana, the suspense and mystery that surround her life are really fascinating. This is an easy read and well written book that is filled with thrill, mystery, intrigues, secrets and organized crime.
– @veronicas_bok_bak_liv, Sweden

You have a really thrilling series ahead of you if you haven’t read it!
– @emmasbokhylla, Sweden

Emelie Schepp has once again succeeded in writing a really thrilling page-turner. Her books about prosecutor Jana Berzelius never make me disappointed!
– @jennys_ bokhylla, Sweden

The Storytel Award for Best Suspense Novel, 2021
The Adlibris Prize for Best Crime Novel, 2020, Shortlisted

