By Lars Kjædegaard

SØREN MADSEN a student in the 70’s provincial town of Helsingør. He is a young man with one ambition: he wants to become the judge in his hometown. One night he meets the strange girl Anna, and they fall in love. But Anna carries a dark secret and suddenly she disappears without a trace. 

IN THE COURTHOUSE, Sørens mentor, judge Helge Pontoppidan is the one in charge. The system of laws are in place, and they are followed, but elsewhere in the city another set of laws are in place. Søren slowly gets to know these as he asks himself: Where is Anna? 

LARS KJÆDEGAARD’S NOVEL The Judge of Elsinore is a dramatic story about crime and love in both the lighter  and shadier  parts of Helsingør.  

First published by Gyldendal, Denmark 2023

Denmark, Gyldendal

Kjædegaard writes straight from the hip. 
– Jyllands-Posten, 4 stars, Denmark

A powerful performance. 
– Politiken, Denmark

