HURTIG WAGRELL IS the married couple Johan and Johanna Hurtig Wagrell.

JOHAN IS A comedian, actor, and screenwriter. As a writer, he has worked for publications including Café Magazine, Aftonbladet and Metro. He is a trained film actor at Stockholm University of the Arts and has appeared in a number of films and TV series.

JOHANNA IS A comedian and scriptwriter. She runs two humor podcasts, “Kafferepet/Tea Time” and the true crime podcast “Vad blir det för mord?/What’s for murder?”. She has written scripts for several TV productions such as “Svenska nyheter/The Swedish News”, “Vem mördade skolan?/Who murdered the school?” (SVT) and the comedy series “Finaste familjen/Finest Family” (TV4).

THE COUPLE CURRENTLY lives in Stockholm. Their debut novel FRONT was published by Bokfabriken in April 2024.

