HURTIG WAGRELL IS the married couple Johan and Johanna Hurtig Wagrell.
JOHAN IS A comedian, actor, and screenwriter. As a writer, he has worked for publications including Café Magazine, Aftonbladet and Metro. He is a trained film actor at Stockholm University of the Arts and has appeared in a number of films and TV series.
JOHANNA IS A comedian and scriptwriter. She runs two humor podcasts, “Kafferepet/Tea Time” and the true crime podcast “Vad blir det för mord?/What’s for murder?”. She has written scripts for several TV productions such as “Svenska nyheter/The Swedish News”, “Vem mördade skolan?/Who murdered the school?” (SVT) and the comedy series “Finaste familjen/Finest Family” (TV4).
THE COUPLE CURRENTLY lives in Stockholm. Their debut novel Front was published by Bokfabriken in April 2024 and nominated for CrimeTime’s debut Award the same year. In spring 2025 the anticipated sequel Risk is released.