Emelie Schepp and Jessica Schiefauer shortlisted for Stora Ljudbokspriset
The nominees for the 2016 Stora Ljudbokspriset were announced yesterday. Nordin Agency are happy to congratulate Emelie Schepp, nominated in the Suspense category for Prio ett, and Jessica Scheifauer, nominated in the Young Adult category for Pojkarna. The winners will be announced march 6th, 2017. Stora Ljudbokspriset is arranged by Storytel. See the full list of nominees here: http://svb.se/nyheter/de-nomineras-till-ljudbokspriset […]
Therese Bohman and Andrzej Tichý shortlisted for the August Prize 2016
Nordin Agency congratulates Andrzej Tichý and Therese Bohman, both of which have been nominated for the August Prize 2016. Their novels Wretchedness (Eländet) and Eventide (Aftonland) represent the best in Swedish contemporary fiction. Eventide is Therese Bohman’s third novel. Through serene prose, Bohman tells the story of an art professor who is looking for freedom, but […]
The Hermit reviewed in NY Times
Thomas Rydahl’s THE HERMIT named as one of The Latest and Best in Crime Fiction by the New York Times this week, describing Rydahl’s debut book as “A delightfully innovative whodunnit…dark good humour, imagination and originality.” The Hermit was also announced Book of the Month for November by The Times in UK. Read the full New York Times review here: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/20/books/review/the-latest-and-best-in-crime-fiction.html?smprod=nytcore-iphone&smid=nytcore-iphone-share
Gard Sveen and THE LAST PILGRIM shortlisted for best translated crime 2016!
Nordin Agency is incredibly pleased to be congratulating Gard Sveen on a well-deserved nomination for the Swedish Crime Academy’s Award for best translated crime fiction in 2016. His novel The Last Pilgrim won the Glass Key Award for best Scandinavian crime fiction in 2014 and has been published to great acclaim in 12 territories already, in Sweden […]
THE HERMIT named book of the month in The Times (UK)
National newspaper The Times in the UK has selected The Hermit (Eremitten) by Thomas Rydahl as their book of the month for November. They said that The Hermit is a “delightfully innovative whodunnit…dark good humour, imagination and originality”. You can see the rest of the article here (subscription required). The Hermit was the winner of the Glass Key Award 2015 […]