By Erika Vallin

ASRIN BRUNSON IS 12 years old and lives with her grandmother in Stockholm. On the anniversary of her parents’s death her grandmother takes her to a dilapidated house on the island of Djurgården. That evening marks the beginning of an adventure that is to change Asrin’s life forever.

TOGETHER WITH HER friends Lima and Max, Asrin is selected to join a secret society where they are told the story of Eunomia – a strange world in a parallel universe – and of the mighty Time Crystal. Are Asrin’s parents really dead? What is this portal that has been opened? And who is the girl, dressed entirely in black, moving in the mirrors?

ASRIN, LIMA AND Max embark on a breathtaking journey through Stockholm, London and Paris, all the way to the end of the universe: all on a quest to save time itself – and hopefully Asrin’s family in the process.

THIS WONDERFUL NOVEL by Erika Vallin is perfect for fans of C.S. Lewis and Maria Gripe.

First published by Natur & Kultur, Sweden 2017

Sweden, Natur & Kultur

The Secrets in the Mirror is a nice and thrilling book for children in the devouring age.”

“Some books remind you why you love to read. This is one of them.”
– Skrackodlan.blogspot.se

“… a YA book that I long to tell as many people as possible about. It is an exciting well-written story about mirrors that are gateways to another world. Just what I like! I love the books about Narnia.”
– boktokig.blogspot.se

“Vallin truly manages to find an exciting twist with magic and secret societies that can be really exciting for teens. A book I wouldn’t mid putting under the Christmas tree for our book loving tween.”
– hundora.se

“This is a classic tale that effectively depicts the meeting between the mundane and the fantastic. Stockholm is accurately portrayed, making the fantasy elements even more striking.”
– Litteraturmagazinet.se

“An exciting fantasy story about Asrin where you are constantly unsure about who is on her side and who is not.”
– vadvilljagtjuva.blogspot.se

“The story has a good drive and more and more resembles a classic detective story. Vallin uses the whole repertoire of tricks to keep the voltage up and in some parts, where she flirts openly with horror romance, it also gets really scary.”
– Svenska Dagbladet

“This book was great.”
– jenny.jennytranslation.com

“… a meandering and dizzying tale of Asrin, magic, mathematics and friendship like the one you had at the beginning of sixth grade.”
– Agnesatrodeo.net


Children’s & YA